Published: May 20, 2013 | 2 Comments


Here’s something to turn your head and twist your thinking.

Could it be that the Obama White House is happy to have all the so-called “scandals”, “outrages” and political “dirty laundry” coming out into the open? Instead of their shrinking in fear and dismay over the growing number of credible reports of targeting, intimidation and strong-arming, allow me to raise the scary specter that Obama and his gang are confidently putting their power, their chutzpah, their defiance on full display.

Is it possible the current slew of investigative revelations is actually evidence of an even more bold and brazen Barack Obama? His latest round of aggressive, in-your-face audacity?

Here’s why I ask these uncomfortable questions.

Consider first the IRS scandal. It was an official investigation that revealed the full nature of the targeting of Tea Party, Patriot, Christian, and pro-Israel groups – virtually all of whom are strongly opposed to Obama and his policies. While this uproar certainly energizes many of those groups and their members, isn’t it possible it will also dishearten and discourage them, causing some to think twice or more about being caught in the crosshairs of an all-powerful IRS?

Then we have the Benghazi debacle. Lying, misleading, manipulating, stalling, stonewalling by the White House, the State Department, possibly the CIA. An embarrassment to the Administration? Or an unabashed show of power and defiance?

What about the AP phone records scandal? The Associated Press is certainly up in arms, but they’re also reporting that Washington sources are clamming up. Add to this the just-released information that Fox News reporter James Rosen was targeted by Holder’s DOJ, and you’d think the indignant American people would light their torches and sharpen their pitchforks. But you might also wonder if the Obama team is quietly happy for the press to know they can be dealt with.

Now, pile on the latest investigative report that takes the Department of Justice to task for trying to secretly discredit and shut down Fast and Furious whistleblowers. Another “official” reproach of one of Obama’s top henchmen, Eric Holder? Or, possibly, another “feather in Holder’s hat” of daring rule defiance?

And these high-profile transgressions are simply the latest. Even the left-leaning TheAtlantic.comreadily concedes the President has thumbed his nose at the law:

Yes, President Obama has broken the law on multiple occasions. Despite clearly stating, in a 2008 questionnaire, that the commander-in-chief is not lawfully empowered to ignore treaties duly ratified by the Senate, Obama has willfully failed to enforce the torture treaty, signed by Ronald Reagan and duly ratified by the Senate, that compels him to investigate and prosecute torture.

Obama also violated the War Powers Resolution, a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval.

So we should push to impeach this lawless, Constitution-killing president, right? Well, even one as astute and insightful as Rush Limbaugh believes that America’s first “black” president will never be impeached. And I’d be willing to bet that’s what Obama is betting on.

When you’re a self-absorbed, power-grabbing narcissist who believes you’re untouchable, what do you do? You let your enemies know, in coded ways of course, that you’re willing to pull the pin on all sorts of political dirty tricks. Even if once or twice removed from the bloody battlefield, you’re not above suggesting that a bomb or two be dropped on your enemies. You’re so confident in the impregnable White House fortress that you’re sticking your presidential finger in the painful wound that is America’s fractured trust in her federal government.

I could certainly be wrong – dead wrong – in my speculations. But if I’m not? If the Obama team is sending signals to those in the media, in the government, in the population who would rise up against them…now what, friends? Now what?