Illegal immigrants getting free ride
Mar. 9, 2009 12:00 AM

I fail to understand this continued discussion over "illegal alien rights." Beyond basic human rights, what rights have they earned in this country?

If they wish to live and work here, we have a process in which they can become U.S. citizens. Every naturalized immigrant has had to go through this process, yet our legislators barely acknowledge that there is a problem with the multitudes of illegals we now see living among us.

These aliens work for lower wages, so they are popular with employers. Of course they can work for less. They pay little or no taxes! On top of that, they send most of the money they earn back to their home countries. Very few dollars are spent here in the U.S.

They choke our public school system, strangle our health-care system and drive without insurance. And the real citizens of the U.S. who pay taxes have to pay for all of it. Real U.S. citizens have had enough. When does it stop? - Kevin J. Behan,Chandler