If I am healthy, I will probably live to see that day which is only 32 years from now. Basically, at the current rate of anchor babies being born on American soil daily plus the growth of illegal immigration primarily from Mexico, the United States will basically look like (and act like) Mexico, thus losing its sovereignty and culture.

See http://rense.com/general89/anchor.htm

No other country in the world allows such an invasion of illegal immigrants into its soil like we do here in America, bypassing all legal entry processes and jumping in front of all other would-be legal immigrants. What's worse, having full support and blessings from politicians.

It's very sad to watch a once great nation destroy itself, little by little, one illegal at a time. Why couldn't it just have a legal process of immigration like other countries do? Screen people, deport the ones that don't belong, fine and imprison employers and have secure borders? Enforce the laws that are currently in the books! Is that too much to ask?

What's up with the preferential treatment toward Mexico anyway?

It's OK if people want a better life in America or elsewhere, but shouldn't that be "earned" by legal, moral and ethical means?Why support people who defy and break U.S. laws and worse, reward them with education, benefits, privileges, housing, free school lunches, reduced in-state tuition, driving privileges, medical care, lobbies, support groups, free legal advice, etc. at the expense of legal residents and U.S. citizens? What are we? Stupid?
