Hey all, here is a reminder to make sure you are calling your own state reps and governors. OFIR sent this reminder out to Oregonians to call state politicians too!! Find yours and call today!!!!!

OFIR members and supporters:

We urge you to call the governor, your state senator and state representative tomorrow about the May Day illegal alien march on the State Capitol building.

They need to know how you as a citizen feel about illegal aliens marching and demanding benefits that even citizens, much less legal immigrants do not get.

Illegal immigration is having a negative impact on our public schools, the Oregon Health Plan, the criminal justice system, our quality of life and the rule of law. Oregon State government should not be encouraging illegal immigration.

We need to stop giving driver licenses to illegal aliens. It only encourages more to come here.

The Governors phone number. (503) 378-3111




The webpage, http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/ displays a form where you can enter your address, then see a list of your legislators, beginning with U.S. Senators, U.S. Representative in Congress, then the Oregon State Senator and Representative for your district. Contact information for each is included. You can call their offices, send a fax, or click on the email address and write immediately. You can print out the page and keep it handy during the current legislative sessions.

You can call 1-800-332-2313, the Legislative Information and Citizen Access Line at the Oregon State Legislature, and ask for your legislators names and how to reach them. You may have to leave a message and await a call back. It may be quicker to use the website as described above.