My Ukranian maternal grandmother and her family had to WAIT for SEVERAL LONG years BEFORE they could come to America LEGALLY. The Russian Communists wanted to KILL HER FATHER, but he ESCAPED and APPLIED as a LEGAL REFUGEE from Communism to come to America. Soon he was admitted, but had to WAIT for some years BEFORE bringing his wife, my grandmother, and family here. During ALL that time, my grandmother, her mother, and their family lived in CONSTANT FEAR of BEING KILLED in the WARS between the Russian Communist forces and the Ukranian civilians. There was DAILY, BLOODY SLAUGHTER of FARMERS, BUSINESSMEN, PROFESSIONALS, CLERGY--ANYONE and EVERYONE who OPPOSED the Communists! EVERY DAY, my grandmother and her family PRAYED their HEARTS OUT so that they would SURVIVE LONG ENOUGH to MAKE it to America LEGALLY. Well, several years later, after what seemed like FOREVER, my grandmother and her family received the GOOD NEWS that they had been ACCEPTED as LEGAL refugees from Communism, and were AT LAST able to JOIN her father in America! And, UNLIKE TOO many of TODAY'S newcomers to our shores, my grandmother and her family DEEPLY appreciated the REFUGE and OPPORTUNITY they found in America. They LEARNED ENGLISH, in DUE time BECAME and were PROUD to BE Americans, and remained FOREVER grateful!