February 14, 2014 By Brian Kelly

We Cannot Afford Border Security?

“We Cannot Afford Border Security?” is chapter 23 of No Amnesty! No Way!, written by Conservative Action Alerts contributor Brian W. Kelly. Purchase a copy here.

The views represented are the author’s own.

Illegal aliens first, Americans second—maybe!

Our kindly and good hearted congressional legislators, who believe that we cannot touch a hair on the brows of illegal foreign nationals even to help America, will sell Americans out for any cause which serves their selfish purposes. At press time, these are mostly the same members of Congress and members of the Executive Branch who had no problem signing the death warrants for 6,668 young American soldiers to die in Iraq and Afghanistan while more than 50,000 or our brave soldiers have come home maimed if not fully incapacitated.
And, yet our leaders give American jobs to foreigners and the gang of eight tyrants has even better offers for the interlopers, but no respectable offers for Americans.
American officials gave the OK to spend over $4 trillion and perhaps as much as $5 trillion for these two wars and the dollars continue to be spent. Yet the same officials cry that the US does not have the resources to secure our border. Who are they trying to kid? The fact is our officials have made poor choices.
Most citizens would not agree that American life is expendable while the lives of illegal foreign nationals must be secured and paid for in all ways by Americans, who are struggling ourselves. If securing the countries of others is a noble gesture, how much more noble is securing the United States of America for Americans?
Republicans and Democrats for too long have winked to the general public as they talk about border control and immigration control. The truth would cost them election support from their major donors, the guilt-ridden filthy rich liberals in the top echelons of the Democratic Party and now the money hungry elite donors in the Republican Party. Being a Democrat myself, you can’t believe how it pains me to know this. I once thought Republicans were our only choice for the future but watching them react to the big money and how quickly they turn from conservative principles to money principles, I am deeply concerned.

My Father’s Democratic Party no longer exists
Other than on immigration, most Republicans are conservative. The Democratic Party has been taken over by progressive liberals. My apologies go to Democrats who have not noticed. The takeover artists include aging hippies from the 1960’s and their offspring. The children have learned from their parents how to live it up without having to pay a dime while the rest of Americans pay.
Though rich Democrats love to take your dimes and give them to others, their personal charity records are less than prominent, and they work to make sure government does not take its fair share from them. The Joe Biden record of less than poor charitable giving can serve as the poster for how American big shots can make others pay so they don’t have to open their wallets. Thank you, Joe, for being a leader in at least something. I am sure the members of the other members of the cheapo squad will revere your name forever.

Democratic leaders’ dimes do not reach the collection plate
If they were in a bar with “friends,” Democratic party leaders would show their short arms. More importantly, if a poll were taken of Catholic and Protestant Pastors with the privilege of having such fine elite in their parish communities, I would bet from what I have observed that the mere presence of such elites would bring down their average giving number. Yet it is these same tightwad elites who control our government that tell US not to worry that we have no jobs or that we must work for less and pay more taxes. Their goal is to assure that illegals get a chance at living nice lives paid for by American taxpayers, while the interlopers take our best jobs. Americans need not apply!
Democrats hate the truth. They use propaganda as a tool to keep low information citizens following in lock-step. I am ashamed to admit that I am a registered Democrat. Democrats are brutal. If Democrats decided that Pope Francis needed to be discredited, they are so convincing that they could convince cafeteria Catholics to demand that the new Pope must go. The corrupt media of course would champion the cause.
To many, being Catholic or Protestant and loving the Lord, is no longer as important as being a progressive liberal. That is how good the progressive liberals are in enticing Americans. Too many Americans are happy to be dumb, and many seem to be awaiting their next opprobrious order from the Democratic Party to go out and do something that is really stupid.
You may recall in her speech at the Republican Convention in 2008, VP candidate Sarah Palin surprised Senator Obama with some great gut punches and stripped him of his dignity temporarily as she called him out for what he is. Palin was surely at her best. She taught me that day that she is a great judge of character. Unfortunately, the Democratic mis-messaging propaganda machine was effective in destroying her in short order. Most American Democrats who liked Sarah Palin saw the liberal progressive army crushing their ability to think those kind of thoughts. The Police state permits few runaways.
America owes Sarah Palin a big apology for how we permitted the media to treat her. She is not dumb at all but her being smart was not something with which the Democratic leadership could handle. So, they lied about her. They are good at lying and the army of one-time fine Democrats lap up their verbiage as if it is the truth, even though many know better.
Now, the Democratic Party and the RINOS on the right are lying again about amnesty. They are about to put a country-destroying burden on the American people. The cost is in the trillions and we can’t pay it. America cannot afford giving amnesty to 50 million illegal foreign nationals regardless of what the gang of eight tyrants has to say.
In the 2012 Republican presidential primary, the best candidate was another woman, Michele Bachmann. With Bachmann in the race, Palin would have been a distraction, since she too would have been a great candidate. Bachmann was the only candidate to have the cojones to take the correct position on illegal immigration. She was immediately likable and so the Democrats and the complicit press completely dismissed her, and quietly discredited her as they had done with Sarah Palin.
Ironically, Bachmann now trusts the NSA spying on Americans and has denounced the person who helped Americans know how devious this President actually is. I admit that I am not happy about this stance and it will cause me to reflect overall about the departing Congresswoman. I see Snowden as an American hero who spoke up about a tyrannical government. I will update my opinion of Bachmann over time but right now, she is a good spokesperson for immigration as she sees the issues clearly.
You may recall that liberal “Newsweek,” when it was a magazine, placed a highly unflattering photo of Bachmann on their cover and depicted her as a “nut job.” But, it backfired on them. Even NOW President Terry O’Neill called them on it. She proclaimed the cover as “sexist,” and she noted that Newsweek would not ever try to do that to a man.
Democrats have a penchant for attempting to kill conservative women like Palin and Bachmann before they have a chance to gain traction with voters. Yet, they lie so well, they have convinced young Americans that the Republicans hate women. They sure are good at lying.
Bachmann’s positions on border issues are honestly conservative and they would have helped America’s millions of jobless. Ultimately, they would have helped the economy as more Americans would have more opportunities to be gainfully employed and companies would all have to pay a day’s wage for a day’s work.
Too bad the labor unions had not thought of that little maxim before Bachmann threw it down their throats. Michelle Bachmann’s plan would be a good one for President Obama to adopt if he ever relents and chooses to back Americans instead of foreigners in this fight. Miracles do not happen often and I would suspect Obama would resist such a miracle.
Bad news is sometimes all conservatives get. Just recently, Michele Bachmann decided not to run again for Congress. I once ran for Congress and I learned that everybody with a candle extinguisher tries to unlight your light. Americans have not really learned that we cannot keep looking for the candidate that has no affiliations and then when he or she comes by we choose to reject them because they have no affiliations.

RINOS need to be eliminated from conservative thought circles
RINOS and the leaders of the Republican Party have this thing that it is OK to offend their base but it is not OK to risk offending Hispanic or Latino citizens by telling the truth about the impact of illegal foreign nationals on American prosperity. Sixty percent of the invaders are Hispanic / Latino. If 60% were Irish the whole world would be in upheaval. I don’t care about the mix. Irish or Latino—go home until you are invited back.
Too bad that the Republican Party lost its strength years ago and now is a suck-up after force to Democrats. They think that conservatives need them and that conservatives will go with them even when they espouse liberal progressive notions. It is not going to happen. Those days if they ever existed have ended.
Most politicians are utterly dishonest, but good Americans love to give them the benefit of the doubt. The gang of eight tyrants, for example, continue to commit tyranny of the highest order as I write by putting the USA in a position from which it can never recover. Our lawmakers understand quite well that controlling immigration would help America, but it would not help the Democratic voting machine, and it would not help the Republican money people who love cheap labor and starvation wages.
It is too bad that Michelle Bachmann is not the speaker of the house instead of RINO John Boehner. She is the person you would want in your corner in the fight against the takeover of America by illegal foreign nationals. But, the RINOS have kept her and Sarah Palin, another toughie, out of the foray.
Bachmann supports what Americans without a bias support—building a fence along the Mexican border and deporting all illegal immigrants in the United States. She also supports states’ rights and those state lawmakers, such as Arizonans, who have written their own immigration laws to help Americans.
As most of US, Bachmann opposes the DREAM Act and any comprehensive reform plan that includes a path toward permanent residency or citizenship for the fifty million illegal foreign nationals already living here. She believes in ending the insanity.
In a separate article which I wrote several months ago titled, “The Comprehensible and Sane Immigration Plan – the American Way” for Conservative Action Alerts (CAA), I presented more than forty bullets about what we need to do to get an America-first plan enacted. If it ever becomes famous, you have my permission to think of it as the Kelly Plan.
Don’t expect this plan to be introduced by any Democrat anytime or anywhere. The Democrat plan of course, as espoused by the gang of eight tyrants, which we have been discussing in this book, is to grant illegal aliens full amnesty and make them citizens in thirteen years. Thirteen years can be translated as two weeks or less if possible. If the words of their plans don’t say that exactly, it is because the people would rise up and demand that our Senators vote against it? So, our Senators have the finest ad agencies bombarding radio and TV on conservative programs to dupe the American conservatives into thinking their plan is not as treacherous as it is.
Tonight is June 27 and as I review this chapter, the US Senate is expected to vote on the 1000+ page gang of eight tyrants’ plan. Let’s hope and pray it does not pass.
Well, well! Take a short break and things really happen.

I read the comments section of a news article on the subject a few minutes ago. Two of these got to me– #1 & #3. The second is for your information and to make #3 meaningful. Enjoy! Pardon the French, please:

#1 “We the People really need the ‘Avengers’ now . Our Government is over-thrown , a Coup ! our politicians are senseless power , money hungry Whores ..”

#2 “Here are the 14 Republican senators [lords] who voted for the legislation:

  • Lamar Alexander of Tennessee;
  • Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire;
  • Jeff Chiesa of New Jersey;
  • Susan Collins of Maine;
  • Bob Corker of Tennessee;
  • Jeff Flake of Arizona;
  • Lindsey Graham of South Carolina;
  • Orrin Hatch of Utah;
  • Dean Heller of Nevada;
  • John Hoeven of North Dakota
  • Mark Kirk of Illinois;
  • John McCain of Arizona;
  • Lisa Murkowski of Alaska;
  • Marco Rubio of Florida”

#3 This may be the best of them all: “REPLACE THE 14 IN ’14”
I am pleased to see the conservative reaction.

I hate Democrats but I am beginning to hate Republicans.

Perhaps the time for the Conservative Party is now. Let’s recruit the good Republicans and fire the rest. I see fourteen candidates. Let then stew in their own brew!

The next step for the process, and this is not intended to be a play by play, at the time I am writing is for the Republicans in the HOUSE to put forth their own bill and not take up the SENATE bill. But, I would rather they just drop it all and play on their own timetable or adopt the Kelly Plan (see next chapters). There is no need to cater to the House of Lords. They do not think like US! And, their arrogance causes them to have great disdain for the HOUSE of the people. I hope the HOUSE treats them accordingly. Tyrants it is!

Tagged as: brian kelly, gang of eight, immigration, immigration reform, RINOs

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About Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a business owner and former assistant professor at Marywood University; he and his wife live in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Kelly ran for Congress and for the US Senate in his state and believes limited government brings liberty and freedom. Check his books out at www.checkoutking.com.

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