This was a letter and video sent to me by brasscheck

This Sunday in Miami the New Orleans Saints
football team is going up against the...
what the heck's their name? I forget.

Anyway, over 90 million people will be
watching the game.

It might be a good time to FINALLY get the story
straight on New Orleans:

1. In 2005, long AFTER Hurricane Katrina passed, the federally
built and maintained levees failed nearly destroying the entire city

2. The federal government provided no aid to the
survivors of this engineering catastrophe for nearly a week.

Not only that they actually interfered with aid efforts and
blocked people stuck in the city from leaving the city.
(They don't even do that in Haiti!)

3. Then, instead of protecting the city, the local
police - and all the other law enforcement that
made it to New Orleans days before meaningful
relief did - went door to door, car to car, boat to boat
and SEIZED FIREARMS from normal citizens who needed
them for self-protection.
