November 01, 2007
Illegal immigration
Hurray for Mark Funkhouser and his stand against the bullying tactics of the National Council of La Raza. I agree with John Golding (10/25, Letters) that a person’s beliefs or affiliation with the NRA, NAACP or other similar groups should not affect his job performance.

La Raza should take a hard look at itself and its tactics. Illegal immigration is just what it says: illegal, wrong and a slap in the face to those hard-working immigrants who came here and are now legal citizens of this country.

We spend billions each year on welfare and food assistance programs (such as WIC, food stamps and free lunch) for illegal aliens. This is not to mention the money spent on Medicaid, and education for the children of illegal immigrants who cannot speak English.

When will it stop? Hard-working American citizens are paying for this. We need to tell members of Congress to pull their heads out of the sand, stop ignoring this problem and do something about it.

Alice Brandom
Kansas City ... migra.html