If you are new to our boards as a guest or new registrant we are very glad you are here!

Please do not assume that because the Senate voted No for Cloture on Thursday, that we can rest on our laurels safe in the assumption that they will do the same again.

As we speak the President is preparing to once again flaunt the will of the American people by twisting our Senators arms to vote yes for the next cloture!

As we speak, La Raza, the Chamber of Commerce, big business and all kinds of special interest groups are pressuring YOUR senator for a yes vote on the next round of Cloture votes for this half dead bill.

Do not allow the special interests to speak for you!
IF ever there was a time to speak out and do so loudly, this is it!

Our will forced a no vote on Cloture on Thursday and it can continue to do so but we must be fierce in our opposition to bill 1348.

If you have never called your Senator, let me tell you,


Be not afraid. Be not persueded by the voices of naysayers. Be not cowed.

In the words of the great Congressman Tom Tancredo

This is our culture, fight for it.
This is our flag, pick it up.
This is our country, TAKE IT BACK!

God Bless America as her freedom hangs in the balance.

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