RMV at the wheel: Time to cry uncle, Onyango

By Michael Graham
Thursday, September 1, 2011 - Updated 2 hours ago
1 comment

You want to solve Massachusetts’ illegal immigration problem? Easy: Hand it over to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

Because if Rachel Kaprielian and her government goons were in charge of enforcing these paperwork issues, Uncle Omar would have been rounded up long ago. Believe me, I know.

Two years ago, the Framingham police arrested me on orders from the RMV because I was driving with a revoked license. The fact that it was due entirely to a government paperwork error was irrelevant. The fact that the RMV’s policy at the time (and still is, as far as I know) was to revoke licenses without notifying drivers also made no difference.

I sat in the same Framingham jail that Obama Onyango should have been locked up in long ago.

Thousands of Massachusetts drivers have had the same experience: Some minor paperwork glitch or lost ticket for a long-forgotten infraction, and . . . BAM! There’s a soccer mom stuck on the side of the road with crying kids while the RMV tows away the family van. No excuses. No “what about the children?â€