First, I apologize for my recent extended absence. I was hit head-on by a 19 year old maniac the day before Valentine's. My ankle is unrepairable, and both of my leg bones broke (one shattered). I am just starting a long road to recovery, but I am at least coherent enough to come back online now!

My husband came home this morning and said some guys at one of the factories told him there is going to be a "Truck-Out" sometime next week, wherein all truck drivers are to stop driving wherever they are for some amount of time. The point is to protest the insane gas prices. I am aware that this has not much to do with immigration, but I know that if I need info on something, this is the place to come. Thank you in advance for any information. I did a Google and Yahoo search, and I searched ALIPAC but with no success. I only found articles about prior years.