Just for the hell of it and also to see how much information I could get, I signed up for LaRaza/NCLR newsletters.
This is a news letter I receive today...............

LaRaza say's: "enough is enough!"

We're sick and tired of national policymakers turning nasty politics into bad policies at the expense of the Latino community. After Representative Joe Wilson's outburst at President Obama during his recent address on health care reform, many members of Congress-on both sides of the aisle-are tripping over themselves to marginalize and demonize immigrant communities. Politicians are advancing policies that undermine access to health coverage for many people who would be eligible for new health care options in reform-U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.

This week, it is particularly important that we reach out to our nation's leaders and tell them that successful reform does not put roadblocks between health care and our families. The Senate Finance Committee is expected to advance health care reform legislation and vote on numerous amendments that could affect your ability to access affordable, quality health care coverage. Some of NCLR's key concerns moving forward are that:

•Legal immigrants will still be subject to a five-year waiting period and other restrictions before they can get Medicaid. Yet, they will still be required to purchase insurance.
•U.S. citizens and legal immigrants will be unfairly denied access to tax credits that are supposed to make health insurance more affordable because they have a householder who is an unauthorized immigrant. Yet, these very same U.S. citizens and legal immigrants will be required to purchase insurance without the tax credits designed to help them afford coverage.
•Certain amendments could impose harsh verification provisions that keep eligible people from enrolling in health insurance. The bill already has verification measures that could add more paperwork in the insurance application process. Yet, eligible people will be required to purchase insurance.
•The bill shuts out people who are willing to pay full price for their health care-unauthorized workers can't get health coverage even if they pay out of their own pockets. Yet, there are legislators who will offer amendments that require these ineligible immigrants to purchase insurance.