
Tell Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to veto a bill that would lead to racial profiling and discrimination!

Dear xxxx:

Have you heard about the madness in Arizona?

Local lawmakers in this state, several of whose officials have been walking a tightrope of civil rights violations lately, have approved one of the most troubling measures this country has seen in some time. The bill makes it a crime to be an undocumented immigrant in Arizona and requires law enforcement officers who have a "reasonable suspicion" that someone is in the state illegally to determine that person's immigration status.

Yes, that's right. They can randomly subject someone to an immigration status check, even without that person having possibly violated any laws. The measure also allows citizens to sue a city, town, or county if they believe a law enforcement agency is failing to enforce this law.

So what does all this mean? Pretty much that if you "look" undocumented in Arizona, you are subject to arrest and may be stopped for no other legal reason.

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, just released a statement condemning the anti-immigrant bill in which NCLR President and CEO Janet MurguÃ*a commented, "This bill is an affront to civil rights and it will make all Latinos suspect in their own communities, regardless of their immigration status."

Now we need your help telling Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to veto this bill that would lead to racial profiling and discrimination.

Tell Governor Brewer that this bill is not about public safety or solutions to our broken immigration system; this is about playing for cheap political points without regard to consequences for communities and taxpayers.

Join us by signing on to this petition urging Governor Brewer to veto the bill this Friday!


Lisa Navarrete
Vice President