In lamenting the death of Guillermo Martinez at the hands of the US Border Patrol last Saturday, Vicente Fox's chief spokesman, Ruben Aguilar, reportedly said "only a law that guarantees legal entry can resolve the migratory problem both countries face."

A law that guarantees legal entry? In other words, Mr. Aquilar, you believe the United States should have "open borders" so that anyone who wants to can enter America can do so whenever they wish and for whatever purpose? Regardless of the impact such migrants might have on US homeland security, our economy or culture?

And without regard to the wishes of American citizens?

With all due respect, Mr. Aguilar, you are confused. The fact that 15 million of your fellow Mexicans are now living here illegally has no doubt deluded you into believing we do not care. By failing to prevent or reverse illegal immigration until now, the US government is partially responsible for your misguided thinking.

But be advised that the events of September 11, 2001 have changed everything, forever. As a result, your thinking must be updated to recognize the following:

The United States is a sovereign nation, operating according to established borders and immigration laws. America's national priorities are based on the needs of AMERICAN CITIZENS, and without regard to the needs of Mexican citizens that our third-world neighbors are unwilling or unable to care for.

In addition, the US Congress is working to make our borders more secure and less accessible, including erection of a 700-mile fence at the US-Mexico border. To keep unwanted and illegal intruders from Mexico OUT!

Thus, any law that "guarantees legal entry" is NOT in the best interests of the American people, and will NOT be codified into US law any time soon.

Protecting the safety and well being of the American people is the number one priority of the US government, and the brave and patriotic individuals who serve as Border Patrol Agents have the complete support and admiration of all American citizens.

Finally, please tell Vicente Fox and other Mexican government officials to look inward for solutions to those "migratory problems." The days when Mexico could simply dump its problems on the US side of the border for US taxpayers to take care of are gone. Forever!