Just saw a political panel discussion show on the Califronia Channel where they were debating the CA Driver's Licenses for illegals legislation that Gil Cedillo has introduced for the sixth time in six years. So what does he use as his great argument for why we should allow illegal's to get licenses? He says, well, we give licenses to child molesters, alcohol abusers, even bank robbers who use cars to rob banks, and they break the law, so it only makes sense to give them to illegal...err.. undocumented workers.

Can you believe this buffoon? He still does not get it, and he never will. How can people like this guy get elected to office? And how does he keep getting re-elected? Unless illegals are voting in his district, I can't see how anyone with two brain cells would want this clown representing them, he has only one agenda, getting benefits for illegals, as if they have the same rights as citizens. And he always uses the same tactics, they have a "right" to get Driver's Licenses.
