Pew/USA Today Poll: The GOP Midterm Tsunami Cometh

by Wynton Hall 5 May 2014 905 post a comment

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Jonathan Martin, national political correspondent for The Times, on contests to watch in North Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky for early clues about the 2014 midterm elections.

With only 183 days until the Nov. 4 midterm elections, a new Pew Research/USA Today poll shows Obamacare and the bleak jobs picture have coalesced to put Democrats in a weaker political position than they were before the historic GOP 2010 midterm tsunami that resulted in the largest defeat for a newly elected president in a midterm since 1922.

At this time in 2010, 44% of voters said they planned to vote for a Republican. Today, 47% plan to vote for a GOP candidate.

The poll shows that the Obama economy's inability to create a climate conducive to job creation is taking a heavy toll, with 65% of respondents saying jobs are difficult to find in their communities.
Disapproval of Obamacare also hit an all-time high, with 55% disapproving of President Barack Obama's signature legislative achievement. Obamacare has been in effect for over four years.
The Pew/USA Today poll found that jobs, Obamacare, and the deficit are the top issues on voters' minds.