Is it any wonder that our lawless politicians (Democrats and Republicans) support citizenship for lawless, illegal immigrants? Lookie here, what a surprise Shahzad had help -- can you imagine what people helped him: ... 69224.html

Do you remember 9/11? All those terrorists were illegal aliens -- and those who helped them the same or living here on "student visas" receiving federal benefits. Will it be any big surprise when the FBI announces the nationality of the 3 Time Square Bomber helpers who helped move money for Shahzad, paid for the car and the materials in his failed bombing plot in $100 bills. Want to set up a stock market (betting) pool complete with our own hedge fund that all these guys are either naturalized citizens, illegal aliens or on student visa? Amazing isn't it that our nation is at war in the middle east and our government thinks it is wise to maintain an "open border" policy complete with giving citizenship to the very people we are fighting. Imagine if FDR had been so foolish in the 1940's to allow MILLIONS of Nazi Germans to enter the United States and become citizens or live with our tax dollar help on "student visas." Think WW2 may have had a different ending?

Today our government supports lawless illegal aliens because our government -- BOTH PARTIES -- are lawless. Example? Oh boy don't get me started talking about workers at Pelosi's vineyard. Most members of Congress are multi millionaires and we all know how rich people get rich -- mostly the old fashion way by stealing it. They complain that no Citizen will work for $2 an hour under the table, so they say they are "forced" to hire illegals -- all in the name of getting richer and richer...

Timothy Giethner our Treasurer spent most of his childhood in nations such as Zimbabwe, Zambia, India, and Thailand, he is no more American than the chancellor of Germany -- see a pattern here? Yet he was given the job as the National Treasurer despite the fact that he is a big time tax evader, multi-millionaire, and was married to Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, and the Group of Thirty all of which helped destroy our economy. How many Senators filibustered Giethner's appointment? None as I recall, because they all hire illegal aliens and fail to pay taxes on them, and they all supported the raping of America - they are all lawless themselves.

Oh and the best one of all... Obama's appointment of Alan D. Bersin as commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. Bersin, in charge of our BORDER PROTECTION which Obama wants to beef up (laugh) has hired 10 illegal aliens to be his domestics over the past 19 years. He currently has 6 illegal aliens working for him -- 3 he says as "subcontractors." Of course, like Giethner, Bersin forgot to file tax paperwork on all these undocumented workers. Oh yeh he will really make sure that our border is secure won't he?

All this comes down to this, a lawless Congress and lawless Presidents love lawless illegal aliens and lawless Tycoons. We need to deport them all -- illegals, Congress (Republican and Democrats) and the President and their Tycoon buddies.