My letter to the members of the Committee for Homeland Security. This stripping of our laws has gone far enough, and have been ignored far too long. We, the People, need to start letting these jerks know that the party's over and that we want our laws enforced and want them to start respecting our Constitution.

This government has done everything possible to prevent our immigration laws from being enforced. E-Verify has been stripped from the Stimulus package, along with other provisions that would ensure that all jobs created go to American workers. E-Verify is being allowed to run out making it so employers can no longer determine if they are hiring legal workers, and workforce raids are being stopped. Efforts are being made by this new administration to ensure that our southern border is left open for the free flow of goods and people, regardless of the increased violence by the drug cartel which is spilling into this country. A constant flow of illegal aliens are continually allowed to enter unchecked for crimes and disease, Now the 287 (g) Program is under threat of being gutted from Homeland Security in committee hearings and the excuse being given is that it’s racial profiling. These above actions send a message that illegal aliens are given priority over the legal citizens in this country, and that they have unfettered access to our country.

Just when did this government get so arrogant that its now making the decision to ignore the Constitution and the laws of this land, and feels it is no longer necessary to protect the sovereignty and the borders of this country, and to secure the safety of the American people? When was it that this government decided to allow special interest groups to dictate which laws will be enforced and which ones will be ignored when it comes to the illegal aliens in this country. Unfortunately, the American people are not afforded that same privilege when they are stopped for traffic violations.

Who are you in Congress who think you know a criminal illegal alien from one who comes here just for work, without first making the effort to check each and everyone of them out? How do you know that person is not one of the 93 illegal alien sex offenders and 12 serial sex offenders who come across our border every single day? Who are you to ignore the tens of thousands of violent crimes committed every year against our citizens by the illegal aliens who say they have just come here for work? Who are you to know that the person without identification who is caught speeding isn’t part of a terrorist group and is here to do Americans harm unless you allow law enforcement to check them out?

In your infinite wisdom, are you now saying it is okay to just let people loose on our streets after committing a traffic violation even though they have no documentation if they are Hispanic looking in nature? Now who is racial profiling? You, in your infinite wisdom will be doing the same thing you are accusing our law enforcement of doing, but your racial profiling could be threatening the safety of the American people and putting this country at risk.

We, the People, are fed up with this government’s pandering to special interest groups, all in the name of cheap labor, and leaving our citizens vulnerable to the risks of more crimes committed by illegal aliens. Our elected officials are obligated to uphold their oath of office and to represent the American citizens, and not to represent citizens of foreign nations who have come here illegally. Under the Constitution, you have no choice but to uphold the laws of this country.