This is a letter to the editor in the Odessa American today, Sunday, August 12, 2007:

An Unfair Policy

I recently tried to enroll my 6-year-old son in Cameron Elementary School only to find out that, if by the second grade, he is not speaking, understanding or well on his way to writing Spanish that he would not be allowed to attend.

Even though we live four blocks from the school, he will have to be sent to Goliad Elementary, clear across town.

When did learning a language become a prerequisite to attending an elementary school?

I was brought up knowing and learning English as the primary language taught in school.

I believe it is good for kids to know other languages, but it should not be the schools that have to accommodate those who do not speak the language. I though that was why they had an ESL program installed.

I also understand that Cameron chose to be a bilingual school, but not at the expense of isolating the kids who like all the rest of us learn in English.

My son is learning Spanish at home, but I would like him to learn in English at school like every other elementary, junior high and high school I and anybody else attended.

When I voiced my opinion to officials at the administration building downtown, they told me even though they agree with me that they could do nothing about it.

This is not a matter of race, as I am Hispanic. I just want my son to, as the people at the administration building say, go to his “home schoolâ€