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Mexico DF, 4 March 08 (CIMAC).- In the southern border of our country, 7 of each ten migrant youth women originating from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, they are attacked in their human rights by officials of customs, agents of the Preventive Federal Police (PFP), state and federal courts, municipal police officers and elements of the armed forces.

Thus the president of the Commission of Equity and Gender of the Chamber of Representatives, Maricela Contreras Julián, assured through a document to be given out to the mass media, in which it adds that these central american youths are sold for 200 dollars each one for the purpose of being utilized for sexual exploitation, in bricklaying, walking commerce and pickers of trash in the interior of the Mexican territory.

The legislator, who also belongs to the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), indicated that the report elaborated by the non-governmental organization (NGO) End of Childlike Prostitution, Pornography and the Traffic of Children with Sexual End and well-proportioned data by the Economic Commission of Latin America (CEPAL).

Contreras Julián indicated, "on the one hand the abuses received in the neighboring north country by our people are condemned and, on the other, the same practices are reproducedby some Mexican authorities with the people that cross the southern border of Mexico, conducts that are declared in sex abuses, labor abuses, violence in all their forms and a lack of respect to their rights.

Data of CEPAL registered that in that southern border region of our country "70 percent of the migrants are victims of violence, that 60 percent suffers some type of sex abuse including rape". But if the migrants manage to arrive at the border with the United States of America, that can become more dangerous since, besides being abused sexually and be forced to be prostituted, they can be murdered.