just as we would have been in defeat. It is time we celebrate our hard fought victory because we did fight very, very hard. I'm exhausted as I'm sure all of my fellow ALIPAC'ers are. Just a thought to pass on lest we celebrate too hard or shout too loud. Let us be gracious to all our opponents in this victory we have achieved. Just as a loss would have steeled our resolve to fight on, perhaps even harder for our cause, our opponents likely will fight on, even harder. Let us be gracious in our communications and actions and if any venom comes from the process just decided in the senate, let it come from our opponents and not us. We now have momentum on our side, let us not squander it by something misguided that we may say or do. Remember, how each of us conduct ourselves reflects on our organization. So, let's make sure we are on the high road...and not take the low road as I even see emanating already from a few of the bitter defeated Senator's in their talks on the outcome of the cloture vote. We are again being characterized as racist, obstructionists, xenophobes, and spreaders of fear. That's OK, let them go and continue with trying to paint us as such because we will never stoop so low as to be what they try to paint us as. Hold your head high, be gracious yet firm, and don't hurl insults or diatribe like we have already begun to see from those that weren't successful in their cause. Don't get dragged into angry exchanges and if ethnocentric groups want to angrily march and confront and scream and shout, that will only strengthen our position. They will never understand our cause and we will never accept theirs.

I am truly moved at how hard everyone has worked and how knowledgeable on the issue everyone is. Remember, those that have been defeated will be working hard to defeat the senators who they identify as against their cause so we will have to work even harder to ensure the senators that support our position remain in office.