
While we want everyone to help us keep the ALIPAC boards open and as free as possible and while we give everyone the benefit of the doubt as much as possible, there is something we need to address.

Many of you are already aware of these factors, but since we have lots of new participants on the boards here, I feel this needs to be discussed.

The first priority is the rules. We cannot tell when someone is joking or not so that is why we have the rules and everyone should read them and stick to them. The rules will solve most problems associated with using open boards like ours.

Yet, in the world of internet graffiti there are things the rules do not protect us from.

There are two classifications of problems that the rules do not prepare any of us for.

One, there are people that agree with our stance on illegal immigration that are not good for our boards because they lack self control, have emotional or mental issues, or are subscribers to radical or racist philosophies that are unappealing to mainstream America. Some are just good Americans that have let their anger get the best of them and have thus become a political hazard.

Supporting secure borders is not enough. We need people that have a lot of self control, understand the political sphere we operate in, and can keep a cautious yet balanced eye on things.

Two, our opposition comes here and they come in several different flavors.

You have your obvious trolls that come on here and start calling people names, screaming vulgarities, twitching and moaning etc... Those are pretty easy to spot.

Lately, we have had a new class of troll on our boards. They know that our ALIPAC moderators and administrators are on the watch for them and so they have employed new tactics.

They pretend to be supporters so they can mingle with you and look for vulnerabilities. They hope to run into one of you that lacks self control or that belongs to some fringe element so they can document it and run it up a flagpole claiming "Look all ALIPAC supporters and all those for immigration enforcement are like this person _______ "

They want to be able to exist around us for some period of time so they can claim familiarity and to use this partial truth of familiarity to add some credibility to the lies that follow.

Due to the fact that we are a force to contend with and we are getting the job done, we are now facing more and more sophisticated adversaries.

We even have some evidence they are working in teams and trying to mount well financed campaigns to infiltrate, discredit, disrupt, and offline our movement now.

We want everyone to stick to the rules and we are asking for your help to self police our boards. If you spot suspicious activity or are contacted by someone via private message that does not have the best interest of our organization or our movement in mind, please bring this to our attention by contacting a moderator or contacting me directly.

We will protect our sources and treat your report confidentially.

Feel free to ask me any questions here or via Private Message.

We conduct our business out in the open here at ALIPAC and we have nothing to hide. We are an open book and the only things we hold back are strategically timed operations.

We have no problem conducting our business in the open because we are right and we have the support of most of our fellow citizens, the law, and the US Constitution.

I appreciate everyone's understanding and attention to these considerations.

Thank you for all of your support and all of your hard work.

It is an honor to stand with you in this fight.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC