You call that 'enforcement'?


You call that 'enforcement'?

"The draft recommendation, part of an ongoing Justice Department review, concludes the Arizona legislature exceeded its authority in crafting a law that could impede federal responsibility for enforcing immigration laws."

Interesting choice of words.

The Arizona law pushes for the enforcement of the immigration law. I'm curious how this enforcement of federal law, enshrined in Arizona law, could impede federal enforcement!

Most likely, this is a clear and open admission, that the federal government does not intend to enforce the immigration law. Arizona's law, then, is an impediment to the intended lack of enforcement from the feds!

And to be sure, the federal government is taking orders from the Mexican government, which gave permission for American troops to be used to help stop drug and crime traffic across the border, but forbid those same troops assisting in immigration enforcement.

Dont think you are alone... read some of these comments; People are Stewing Mad over what Obama and the Democrats are pulling with Illegal Immigration, Arizona and wide open borders