According to the news President Fox worried about the border becoming militarized. Bush is thinking about putting national guards on the border. But then Mr. fox calls to make sure that the border is not becoming a militarized zone.

But of course he doesnt want that, that will be a big cut in his pocket change. You know all the money the illegals send there families in mexico
from JOBS AMERICANS SUPOSSEDLY WONT DO.(I am choosing not to capitalize mexico out of dissrespect for that countries lack of respect for ours). I say make the border guarded by our military. After all mexico is invading our soveriegn country, By the way, what does a leader of another nation have anything to say about our policies or what we do to protect our borders. Its none of his concern . Shoujld make the American citizen think a bit about the mexicans presidentes intention (s) We will see just who in congress will stand up for the American people and who will sell us out to mexicos presidente. I will do the same thing next time I vote....... The rhetoric is already in full swing Democrats dont see it as plausable, srtike one!!!!!
There are many young americans who are perfectly able to be enlisted to help protect our borders. With a little training on how to use a weapon!!! Man what a difference we could make. And beside the US constitution guarentees the AMERICAN citizen the right to BEAR ARMS........

Strike ONE!!!!!!!