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  1. #1
    conrad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Iraq-Obsessed Bush Still Ignores Illegal Immigration

    President Bush continues to focus on Iraq, while ignoring the growing illegal immigration crisis reaching critical mass in the United States.

    As Bush uses all his political capital to back his troop surge in Iraq, small towns throughout our nation are trying -- with difficulty -- to cope with the thousands of illegal workers who are invading their streets.

    Meanwhile, our president, Congress and federal and state courts do nothing to help the elected officials and citizens of these small towns U.S.A. fend off an invasion that affects every accept of their daily lives.

    Illegals workers roaming their streets

    In towns like Hazleton, Pa., Herndon, Va. and Baltimore, Md., citizens watch as the number of illegal aliens swell with groups of day laborers seeking employment and roaming their streets like an army of beggars.

    Instead of our president demanding that the Mexican government take their citizens back and share some of their oligarchy's wealth with them, the citizens of the U.S. are strapped with the responsibility to provide jobs, education, medical care and incarceration for millions of non-citizens.

    In reality, we are being forced to defuse a revolution that would surely come to pass, if the Mexican government were forced to reclaim its 12-million-plus displaced citizens.

    People are wary

    It's hard to understand why Bush, who ran as a conservative Republican, mocks and denigrates a group like the Minutemen, who were formed out of the necessity to protect our borders because Homeland Security refused to.

    Especially, when every day ordinary citizens are becoming wary of the financial and cultural burdens Bush and Congress are putting on them, so a few wealthy corporations can benefit from cheap labor and a fragile Mexican oligarchy can survive.

    It will do little to help the Republican Party in the upcoming 2008 presidential election and much to hurt the long-term health and political landscape of our country.

    Link: ... es-il.html

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Iraq-Obsessed Bush

    While it's true that Bush is certainly obsessed by Iraq, he is in my view equally obsessed with Mexico!

    Bush's actions during the past years prove unequivocally that his attention, and seemingly his allegiance -- is at least equally to Mexico.


    Take into account then, that Bush has celebrated the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo at the White House, delivered speeches in Spanish, arrested and incarcerated under draconian sentence Border Patrol agents for 'daring' to shoot a Mexican drug-runner, ignored Mexican outlaw drug gangs, refused to arrest illegal aliens like Alvira Arellano (until most recently) or her outlaw Chicago priest protector, the list is truly endless. . .

    George Bush is a much bigger danger to this country that the illegal aliens he brings here. His sworn duty is to protect America and Americans. And in that, he has failed miserably.

    As far as those seeking to replace him, the lot is not much better.


    The Iraq war is killing our youth in Iraq and costing us billions.

    The illegal aliens and legal aliens -- via H1-B work visas, student visas, lottery visas and all of the other visas Bush dreams up -- are doing that right on our soil (killing our youth). The criminals among them are killing far MORE Americans here than in Iraq, they are 'stealing' our jobs, overcrowding our health facilities and forcing some to close, polluting our land (see: ), and worse.

    Bush has become the worst President in history. The worst!


    If we placed our troops on our southern border with orders to shoot to protect these United States, the illegal alien problem would vanish. Overnight.

    And for the hand-wringers and naysayers out there, illegal aliens ARE destroying America and they are doing it faster and with much greater efficiency that the Iraqis.

    We are losing our nation. A dual-language (never mind 128 languages), multi-cultural society cannot survive as a nation.

    Just take a look at the mess called the EU (European Union) if you want to see what happens to countries that embrace open borders, multiculturalism and liberal type tolerance of everything and everyone.


  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Obsessed with Iraq? Yes! He knows he made a fatal mistake, doesn't know how to get out of it, and is playing the clock out until his successor is forced to clean up his mess.


    Bush knows exactly what he's doing...amnesty by stealth! All we have had for the past 7 years is DOUBLE TALK and NO ACTION! In the meantime, more illegals have slithered over the border than any other time in history! Bush INVITED them in by not enforcing the laws! He's the master of winks and nods!

    Mexico never had a better friend than Jorge Arbusto! They should erect a statue of El Presidente Arbusto right in the middle of Revolucion Boulevard! Mexico should celebrate the birthday of El Presidente Arbusto just as the US celebrates George Washington's birthday. After all, he is the founding father of the NAU!

    Viva El Bushie!

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