From: Add to Address Book
Date: 2006/06/09 Fri PM 05:48:47 EDT
Subject: [TA] Cannon is the target , ....but don’t take your eye off Pence

Dear Friend,

I want to bring you up to date on a number of developments.

First, the immigration bills. The incompetence of the Senate is not to be
believed. They passed an unconstitutional bill that, as is, can’t go to
conference!! Do you love it!! It is a revenue enhancer and those bills
must originate in the House. So what will they do?

Democrat Leader Reid wanted to substitute the immigration bill that came
over from the House with the Senate’s amnesty bill. Then go to conference
with the two. Can’t be done!! The House immigration bill is not a revenue
raiser (it’s enforcement only) so the Senate can’t put it on that House
bill—they can only substitute their amnesty bill onto a revenue bill that
has already come over from the House.

So Senator Frist said, let’s substitute the immigration bill onto a tax
bill that did originate in the House. The problem then is this: when
they go to conference the two bills on the table will be the Senate
amnesty bill and the House tax bill they used as a vehicle to get the
Senate bill to conference. The House immigration bill doesn’t make it to

To add to the problem—the Senate has to go back to the floor—vote on
amnesty again--—to get any of the above done.

These guys were so anxious to sell out the nation, so determined to put
this vote behind them and put a stop to all your e-mails, faxes, and
calls-- they didn’t do due diligence!

But don’t be too optimistic, they’ll come up with something. With
billions of dollars in cheap labor at stake--corporate America is surely
not going to let a little thing like the Constitution stand in their way.

But in our meeting the other night with the leaders of our side, including
several Senate staffers it is clear this is a godsend of a screw up. The
pro amnesty crowd has lost valuable momentum—and given us more time to
convince the House to kill this problem and try to prevent any conference
with the House.

Another amazing development: Senator Lugar, who voted for the bill, was
asked if he felt 66 million new immigrants into the country in 20 years
might be too many. He said he has no idea how many will come to the U.S.
under this bill—nor does anyone else. But he and his buddies voted for it
anyhow!! Do they even care that it will destroy our nation!

Action in the House: Thanks to all your help our radio ads against Utah’s
open border Congressman begin Monday!!! They hope to keep them up through
his primary on June 27.

Let me tell you I am certain defeating Chris Cannon must be our focus.
Even the pro-amnesty columnist John Fund of the Wall Street Journal wrote
this week:

“Illegal immigration is the key issue in the [Cannon} race, and should
five-term incumbent Rep. Chris Cannon of Provo lose to a restrictionist
challenger, look for House Republicans to dig in their heels and block any
bill that creates a path to citizenship for illegal aliens.

"House Republicans are already spooked about immigration, and should one
of our own lose on the issue, you will see panic break out," one GOP
congressman told me.”

Panic is just what we want—if we can take out Cannon we have a chance of
stopping amnesty and guest worker for at least 6 months, and maybe more!

On Monday I’ll forward you the radio ad that we hope will defeat Cannon.
I’ll guarantee it will let Utahns know the truth about their Congressman.

One ominous development: the Pence amnesty plan! As I mentioned last
week, Congressman Pence, a solid conservative, offered an outrageous
“compromise” proposal on immigration. Pence’s plan is to turn over our
immigration policy to the private sector-(like putting the big hungry
foxes on guard duty over the chicken coup). Employers could bring in as
many guest workers as they want—Why wait 20 years when you can do all the
harm in three! We will be overrun in months, and our jobs will be sold in
mass o the cheapest bidders.

It a massive amnesty plan—and every other day another conservative writer
or leader endorses it—it looks as if the fix may be in and we may have
another front to fight in this battle! But if conservative Republicans
let the Pence plan become law we should organize to throw out every one of
them in November.

I need you to start calling the conservative leaders of the House (names
and numbers ) and let them
know no Amnesty, no Guest worker, no Pence!! In the meantime I’ll
continue raising money to keep the Cannon ads up right up to election day.

We need to keep anything form going to conference until we can defeat
Cannon—then we will have the full attention of the House members and we
can beat back this sell-out!

Thanks for being part of the Team. We are still in this fight because of
you and all your efforts. Together we will keep this save this nation
form the enemy within.

Have a great weekend!

Bay Buchanan

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