From the Glenn Beck Newsletter:

Glenn remained home on doctor's orders today, but the madness that is the McCain surge remained front and center stage. Guest host and Glenn's close friend Pat Gray (KSEV, Houston) filled in for Glenn and tossed his endorsement to Mitt Romney. Previously, Pat had been for Fred Thompson. Before that he had been for Duncan Hunter. Like most conservatives, Pat has watched the more conservative candidates drop out of the race like flies.

Also, Darth Vader's daughter Liz Cheney (Hillary Clinton once called Dick Cheney 'Darth Vader') has thrown her support to Mitt Romney as well, and she joined Pat to talk about it. If endorsements mean anything, just take a quick glance at who is endorsing who. Conservative's like Liz Cheney & Rick Santorum are going for Romney while flaming liberal newspapers (New York Times) and flaming liberal governors (the Governator) are going for McCain. Wednesday the 6th could be a very, very sad day.