Lone Protester- America Wins One

America spoke to Washington today with a thunderous roar that reverberated from the White House to the US Congress and from the Treasury to Wall Street. It was so loud that it rattled windows around the world and caused stocks to drop everywhere. We told them hell no, we are not going to bail you and your friends out of a mess that you are completely responsible for. It is not the American people’s fault that you got a little too greedy for your own good. Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld got 71 million dollars for 2007, now bankrupt. Goldman-Sachs CEO received over 43 million for 2007. And surprise of surprises, our Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen was CEO of that firm in 2006 and his total financial package came to over 163 million. They are also bankrupt now. (see sources).
I am having problems understanding the legality of this proposed bailout under the US Constitution. I do not remember reading the article where it says we have to mortgage our descendants future for the sake of the greedy few. I can understand why companies go under because I am a businessman myself and also experiencing difficulties but I know for a fact there is no use asking the US Congress for money to help me out. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi would look at me like I’m stupid. Mainly because I ain’t rich enough to fund their reelection campaigns like Richard Fuld and Hank Paulson can. And speaking of reelection campaigns, doesn’t it just seem right, fair and legal under our system of laws, that any politician involved in the bailout recuse himself from voting if they got campaign funds from any of the companies involved in the bailout? Hank Paulson is Treasury Director and a former CEO of one of the firms involved and here he is trying to save his buddies. Is there not a question of legality here? Should not some of these characters have to give back their excess profits? Like Hank Paulson’s 163 million? Should not some of them be led to jail in handcuffs? It seems to me that our Justice Department and FBI should be investigating all the shenanigans going on in the bailout talks.
The royalty in Washington is getting very nervous about now with the election 35 days away. Today they heard from their constituents screaming their anger and got scared. They are slowly waking up to the fact that 90% of Americans are not going to sit still for a 700 billion giveaway. The odds could not be better for the American people with the upcoming election. Maybe the people will win one this time because we are past due for it. It is time for a sea change in Washington, it is time to return to a Constitutional government and to hell with the excesses, the greed, the special interests and the lobbyists. None of those rated any mention in the Constitution. I say let the cards fall where they may because in the end it will be us who will pick up the pieces.

Sources: http://www.abcnews.go.com/Business/Econ ... id=5876413