Every year people say we gotta stop the crap. They say I'm going to vote independent and stop voting for these suckers. Then every year rolls around and they do the same thing, vote for the lesser of two evils.
Why in the hell did you register independent then? They see all these people registering independent but they know your going to vote for one of the two scumbags! So, what is the point of registering independent and acting like your going to really do something this time, and then vote for one of the two scumbags? They know you are bluffing and thats why we get the same crap everytime. When you changed or registered Independent all it did was tell the candidates to move to the middle of the raod. If all these Republicans that switched over to Independents would have stayed republicans we'd probably be hearing more of a conservetive republican messege even though its all for not becaue the politicians are going to tell us what we want to hear regardless.
So I'm thinking people switched to independent which means they want a real change ..... maybe somebody like Ron Paul and maybe thats why the MSM was reluctant to show Ron Paul, but now they realize all the NEW independents are just bluffing because its the same old voters voting the same old way. We had a real chance to make them do something we wanted them to do. Alot of us saw that these MSM candidates were pawns and the system was rigged. We saw that the Main Stream Media didn't like Ron Pauls messege because it was good and right and a REAL new begining for America. We could have and still might be able to make the establishment hear our voices if Ron Paul runs as an independent. I know alot of people thinks Ron Paul is a wacko but here is the thing about Ron Paul, if he were to do something for the American people and he seen that it wasn't working then he would change it to make it right. All these other politicians do something and if it doesn't work ... too bad .... we'll address it in 4 or 6 years. The reason this happens is because the politicians make these iron clad deals with the corporations and they can't get out of them, they've made their campaign promises to these big time corporate interest and they can't back out of the deal. Thats why we get bad policy and it just keeps going for decades. Its the dreaded lobbyist corporate hostige scenario. We can't do this anymore, we need a REAL person, someone that cares for people in the white house. Ron Paul gives part of his paycheck back to the government every year, shouldn't that tell you this man is honest and not on the take from the American people? People say, well ... Ron Paul is weak on security. I'm sure if the treat was close at hand he would do everything in his power to protect us from harm. He is an American you know. Even if we voted for Ron Paul to teach these politicians a lesson that would be so awesome! We would be telling them the games over! We aren't slaves and we want America to be America and not Mexico! Anyway, I digress.

I'll continue to vote for who I think is the best candidate for the job just like I did last election when the 2 scumbags were running. I voted for Badnarik. Maybe people forgot we had an independent candidate in 2004. I'm not held to that bondage. I just vote for who I feel will do the best job not the bloodline candidates or ones that have millions of dollars. I think if you want a candidate that reflects us then we need a candidate like us.
And most of us aren't rich. Part of Americas problem is we've been brianswashed into believing if the candidate isn't rich he wouldn't make a good candidate, that just hog wash! How about a candidate that isn't rich but has his budget balanced? Or spends time with his fmily instead of working 14 hours a day? We need candidates that can relate to the average American, not a rich snob that'll say anything people want to hear. We need to get over this movie star image crap and get back down to earth again. These politicians are nothing more than salesman and thats what this whole illegal immigrant issue has become about ... who can sell Americans that it is good for America? Who can sell Americans that the globalization is good for America? Who can sell America on the NAU?
When in reality its what can we REALLY do for the American people? What can we REALLY do to cut Americans taxes from 50% to 30%? what can we REALLY do to get rid of this outrageous gas tax?

When does it stop people? When does it stop?