Dear Senators Burr & Dole and all North Carolina Congressional representatives,

There is no excuse to not pass the immigration law which will get rid of illegal immigrants. I personally have lost jobs to illegal immigrants in my career as a professional pianist, composer and recording artist. I played five shows a night, six nights a week for over 35 years, 25 of them in New Orleans. When I went to teaching piano full time in 1985 and still playing about 20-25 single jobs a year, I continued to lose work to illegal immigrants who would play for any amount since they didn't pay taxes or AFM union dues.

It is unconscionable to continue to let them get away with it. Making it a felony for the laborer as well as the employer seems a very good idea as it is the employer who needs to be held responsible. If the employer would not hire them, they would not continue to burn up the welfare and social services without paying anything for them.

Please, vote YES for the new immigration law.

Thank you.


North Carolina