Many New Yorkers are opposed to giving driver licenses to illegal immigrants. Especially those that live upstate!

But this state is as liberal as you can get; why do you think Hillary ran here?
She couldn't lose. Every single free loafer and special interest group and the ACLU with people that follow them live down state. Also you have a large farmer community in the north that want cheap labor. Its a win win situation for any democrat that runs just about. Though my area is not liberal it has its farmers.

Oh you have no Idea how many of us would want to split this state in two and leave New York City to fend for itself. Their the main reason our taxes are high because they keep giving out new programs nobody can afford except the rich or the poor who reap the rewards or the illegal immigrants.

Believe me Governor Spitzer is receiving complaints but probably more praise. I'm sure the attorney general has been informed also. They did not make this well known public knowledge; it just came like a rock hitting your head. But I'm sure the ACLU and LaRaza knew.

So many are leaving this state because of the high taxes and the constant benefits we foot for all the social programs. People are fed up!
I really don't know what they will do when all the workers leave their state and their left with the rest. Cause they are driving everyone away. Businesses are leaving because of the taxes. Cities are dying slowly except NY City which we all fund.

Now what did Hillary do for us in reality .......nothing. But talk to the fringe crowd and they will praise her for effort. It would be like well; she was here; *as you hear the helium slowly leaking out of their heads.