Muslim demands in America.......

Muslims in England have demanded that a cemetary be dug up and the bodies removed so THEY can have the cemetary for themselves. They do not want non-muslims in THEIR cemetary. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

As you know, in the U.S., muslims have been making their share of demands. Taxi drivers who won't carry anyone with a bottle of wine, store clerks who will not check out a package of bacon, footbathes in airports, footbathes and special places of worship on college/university campuses, demands in our schools, and the list goes on.

Now they want their own cemetaries! Here is an example.

As the focal point of our initial phase of operation, the American Muslim Foundation has developed an all-Muslim cemetery. This project, which we have named House of Mercy (Dar-o-Rahma), is an urgently needed facility here in the Northwest.

The House of Mercy cemetery project represents far more than at first may be apparent. The AMF strongly believes that the development of this facility will serve as an important regional anchor for our religious community. In creating a place of permanent rest dedicated exclusively for Muslims, the identity of Muslims in the Puget Sound area will be sustained.

It is an undeniable fact that all of us will eventually die and need a place of burial. We can choose to be buried among strangers in a commercial cemetery... and sooner or later be forgotten. Or we can choose to have a Muslim cemetery and be buried among our friends and family members and people of our own religion and background. The second option is obviously preferable and makes sense for a variety of reasons. In a Muslim cemetery our identity will be preserved for our community, and for our children and children of children down the line. It is more likely that our families and friends will visit us in the future in a Muslim cemetery, where they can find their roots and be proud of them. Our graves, in an exclusively Muslim cemetery, will be a source of strength for them and a reminder of their cultural heritage.

In House of Mercy ALL-Muslim cemetery, bodies will be washed, wrapped, and buried according to Islamic rituals (Sharia). The cemetery is now developed and functional, and will be expanded in stages according to the need of the community. In the master plan of the cemetery a place of worship (Ebrahim Mosque ) is foreseen and an official permit has been obtained for building of the mosque. We trust the generosity of Muslims. We look forward for benefactors to leave a legacy for their families by helping to build the mosque. This cemetery is strategically located at the epi-center of the Puget Sound area. It will be easily accessible from various locations in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to the cemetery an Islamic educational center (Specialized Instruction School ) will be built on this site in the future. Construction of the Specialized Instruction School depends upon the availability of funds. We have the building permits and plans. In the future this combined facility will serve as a "cultural and religious" center for the community of American Muslims in the Northwest.

The cemetery and funeral home facilities are open and available for use by American Muslims of all ethnic and religious backgrounds. The facility is supported by AMF members, revenue from sale of burial spaces, and donations from benefactors.

I have no problem with muslim cemetaries, just as I have no problem with Catholic cemetaries. But where are the demands going to stop?

Between the demands of the ILLEGAL ALIENS and those of the muslims, where is America headed?