Friends of ALIPAC!

We have great news to share! I just got off the phone with our ALIPAC Volunteers that are with the candidates in Farmers Branch Texas! You should hear the applause and screams of joy in the background during the call. The crowd is roaring!

While all of the votes have not been counted, close to 70% of the votes have been totaled and the candidates are declaring victory now.

Here are the results.

The ordinance cracking down on illegal immigration by blocking illegal aliens from renting houses and apartments has passed 2 to 1 receiving approximately 68% of the vote!

The two candidates that support this ordinance have soundly defeated two candidates that opposed this ordinance by factors of 2 to 1!

Mr Koch has won his campaign with almost 66% of the vote and Mr. Scott has won his campaign with about 64% of the vote!

Again, we must thank all of you that contributed or volunteered to help with this effort!

With the big win for us in Carpentersville, IL last month and tonight's win in Farmers Branch, our movement is in position to sweep across America with these kinds of ordinances and inject them into city government and city campaigns nationwide quickly!

This will be a great flanking maneuver for our EFFORTS TO STOP AMNESTY IN DC!

You will receive more information on how this can benefit our efforts against Amnesty and what you can do to help on Monday morning.

Please prepare for Monday's high priority activation by collecting phone numbers and e-mails for every city or town council member you can locate in your state. Also, please collect the same contact info for any city council candidates in your state.

The Farmers Branch and Carpentersville dominoes have fallen establishing clear evidence of what ALIPAC has been telling the nation all along. A majority of Americans are fed up and any politician on the wrong side of this issue is putting their political careers on the trash heap of history!

Farmers Branch! We Salute You! On Monday, we will carry your message to the nation!

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC