Has anyone noticed when McCain is ask questions about illegal immigration and border security he bristles up and gets a really indignant tone when answering? He seems to go into a preprogrammed rant about him being a border state governor and he knows how to secure the border. The only problem is he never answers the question that was asked. He uses this rant as a diversion.

My fear, because of his apparent distain for dealing with the questions addressing illegal immigration, should he make to the Whitehouse, he will make that issue go away. McCain seems to be the type that would grant amnesty by executive order. That’s amnesty instantly. No vote, no public input, nothing, done, over. He may be the most hated man in the U.S. after he did it but do you think it would matter to him. We couldn’t do anything to him.

There would be no point of impeaching him assuming his traitor buddies would bring the issue. Bill Clinton lied to the nation publicly, got impeached, he and finished his term with a retirement check. Big deal, it seems impeachment is a slap telling you’ve been a bad boy.

I believe McCain wouldn’t be bothered as long as he got what he wanted.

Any thoughts on this?