
Amnesty for over 20 million illegal aliens will kill the Republican Party

Written by Tony Dolz

In the unlikely event that John McCain gets elected president, he will be the last Republican president.

He will finish the job of keeping the Republican Party divided over spending, privacy, the war; and open borders/immigration law enforcement. Secondarily, McCain will give amnesty to 20+ million illegal aliens that will register Democrat at the end of the McCain-Kennedy earned path to citizenship.

After McCain-Kennedy give suffrage to the illegal aliens the Republican Party as we know it will die.

Welcome to the one party system in America. The McCain-Kennedy Party.

The Republican Party was established in 1854 by anti-slavery activists and reformers who elected Abraham Lincoln as its first president. The early Republicans knew right from wrong and were strongly influenced by their faith in the creator.

To this day, Republicans stand for a fundamental believe in the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Republicans for generations have echoed the sentiments of the founding fathers and the independence minded citizens of the American colonies.

Colonists passionately sought individual freedom and to them that meant small limited government - government by the people. Never again would they cow to tyrants. Early Americans believed the proposed national government would best be kept in check and stunted from government’s inherent tendency to grow and encroach on individual freedom. The formula for limited government included limiting its power to tax, enumerating the limited powers given to it and reserving all other powers to the states and to the people.

The Constitution served to formalize the relationship between the states and the new federal government. To ensure that future generations would not forget, important individual civil liberties were etched in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights ensured for all times the rights; not of the states, but of the individual citizens. True patriots and Republicans still share the same core beliefs. Some Republicans like Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter carry a pocket size copy of the U.S. Constitution in their person; and their speeches and legislation emerge from thoughts peeled from its pages.

In 2001 Senator John McCain of Arizona was riddled with doubt about whether or not he still believed in the Republican Party. It must have been as painful a period for him as it would be for a person of faith to be tormented by doubts about the faith. Directly and indirectly he approached key Democrat party icons, people that he admired, to test the waters. In the Republican Party he enjoyed a commanding respect for his war service and this gave him a high profile and power. Would he command the same leverage if he switched to the Democrat Party, or would he be a subordinate shadow to the likes of Ted Kennedy?

We will never know for sure why McCain remained a Republican. Given his self-assured determination and pugnacious nature it would not be inconceivable that he may have set out instead to change the Republican Party into his own image. Republican or not, Senator McCain has formidably strong ties to Democrat leaders and to influential contributors to Democratic causes.

What is irrefutable is that also in 2001 John McCain developed a soft spot in his heart for a slew of liberal to very liberal super rich donors; and that the crown jewel of those donors was a man with a mission to transform the world, the infamous and super rich George Soros.

John McCain established the Reform Institute, based in Alexandria, Virginia, as a vehicle to receive funds from his rich liberal friends and to bring about political reform with a definite tilt to the left. Lo and behold, the Reform Institute was housed at the same location as McCain’s re-election committee (Friends of John McCain),â€