Please add to the list!

1. Schools and Education
Taxpayers children suffer from overcrowded and underfunded schools
underfunded because the immigrant family has 3-6 children in public school while usually the moderate income of a sole immigrant providers tax dollars dont cover the cost of education. Everyone should have the opportunity for eductaion. Just feel that people should have to put into the system for some time before drawing off of it. be a taxpayer for a few years prior. will continue to work on this one.

2. Medical
Our medical premiums are being hit the hardest by legal and illegal immigrants resulting in higher medical premiums and lower quality care for those whos taxdollars do pay into the system.

3. Insurance premiums, overcrowded highways.
Illegal drivers involved in accidents cause your insurance premiums to go up. again, illegals dont pay into the system so the taxpayers have to absorb it.

4. Overcrowded Jails
Since our jails are overcrowded police have adopted a "catch and release policy" small crimes dont get jailed, just cited and released promoting the message that there are little if any consequences to crime.

5. More on overcrowded Jails
What country are most of the jailed population from? why are our taxdollars paying to house these criminals, offenders, repeat offenders - at about 50.000.00 per year per inmate. Immigrants should be afforded a "free trial period" of 3-5 years where if they violate no laws, they can become a citizen. otherwise, deported not to return for 5 years where new "trial period" starts again.

6. please add to the list - or point me to another list of this type

Thank you!

I believe in Australia, if your not married to a native resident, you cant even have a job.