U.S. should limit 'all legal, illegal immigration'

from the Morning Sentinel

The Census Bureau projects that the United States population will reach a staggering 439 million by 2050. More than 130 million people, primarily driven by immigration, will be added in a scant 40 years. Before this ecological time bomb is released, we must take immigration reduction very seriously.

I understand this is a controversial topic. Unfortunately, extremists often have taken over discussion and their sound bites have taken precedence, while the vital issues are ignored. Frankly, no one wants to discuss it. But as a proud Mainer who was raised in environmental stewardship, I am bringing up the issue.

It is time that the United States limits all legal and illegal immigration. If the Census Bureau is correct, then by 2050, 130 million new residents (adults and children) will have to be accommodated. Enough land, pristine open space and healthy farmland, will be bulldozed, paved and developed for 52 million new home units. An estimated 36,000 new school facilities must be built to educate the new pupils. Many more Wal-Marts and big box chain stores will be constructed near these subdivisions. We'll see millions more miles of paved roads. Basically, all previous environmental achievements will be made feckless and pointless.

If we don't act, Maine and the United States will face ecosystem degradation of immense proportions. Whether Republican, Democrat, Green or Independent, we can work together for a greener future. First, though, we need to agree on one simple truth -- there is a limit to growth.

Benjamin R. Holmes


http://morningsentinel.mainetoday.com/v ... 75043.html

Kennebec Journal Morning Sentinel