On September 11th I will be meeting with Dr. Gary Green, President of Forsyth Technical Community College to see if I can find out his reasoning of why he and the Board of Trustees voted to allow illegal aliens to attend our college. I am also enclosing a letter that was sent to the Board of Trustees to which we have had no response. We are also planning to attend the Trustees meeting on September 12th.

Letter mailed to the FTCC Board of Trustees.

August 2007

Dear Member of the FTCC Board of Trustees.

It is pretty well known that a majority of Forsyth County does not
approve of using their tax dollars to subsidize the education of
illegal aliens. In fact the majority of Forsyth County believes that
illegal aliens should not even be here.

On April 21,2005 Forsyth Technical Community College Board of
Trustees voted unanimously that illegal aliens are eligible for
admission to the College.

A degree would give an illegal more incentive to stay in the United
States and would take jobs away from American citizens and LEGAL

I respectfully request your reasoning as to why you voted to admit
illegal aliens to the college. Instead you should have sent a
message that FTCC will not tolerate training illegal aliens to take
our children's future jobs.

We are planning a protest at the homes of FTCC Board of trustees members in the future. We will be trying to get them to reverse their decision. WILL KEEP YOU INFORMED.