Mehlman: Trump is a no-show on DACA
June 27, 2017 Chad Groening (

The spokesman for a pro-immigration enforcement group says President Donald Trump has failed to end an Obama-era program that benefits illegal aliens.

A federal judge in Georgia recently ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement to temporarily reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status of a 28-year-old illegal alien from Mexico despite the agency's contention that Jessica Coloti was no longer eligible after she committed a misdemeanor crime.

The ruling contradicts the notion that DACA is a temporary deferment of deportation and can be revoked at any time by the federal government.

Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform says this wouldn't be a problem if President Trump had carried through on his campaign pledge to end the program.

"Since it was not legislated," Mehlman says of the program, "it was simply a policy memo put out by President Obama."

Trump has the "full authority" to end it, he adds, but that has not happened and now an "activist" judge has taken advantage of Trump's non-action.

Despite his campaign rhetoric, Trump has repeatedly stated that children born in the U.S. to illegals shouldn't fear a crackdown from his administration, which is going after criminal felons instead.
Coloti, meanwhile, has fought the attempt to deport her.

Even under the terms of DACA laid out by President Obama, Coloti's DACA status could be revoked because criminals are not protected by the order.

"So it's hard to figure out how this judge is now saying a subsequent administration is compelled to renew DACA applications," complains Mehlman, "even if the applicant has violated the terms of the policy set down by the previous administration."