Randy Wood's piece was published on October 21, 2005. Mr. Wood is now a graduate of Eastern Michigan University. He is also a member of the National Guard who served in Iraq.


Beware the common sense politician

By Randy Wood / Columnist

"I'm too short, too fat, and too bald to be president." That is one of the favorite lines of Congressman Tom Tancredo. He was in Michigan last week giving speeches in various places and doing radio interviews. You don't know who Mr. Tancredo is, you say? Don't worry, you will. He's the no B.S. guy who Karl Rove warned to "never darken the door of the White House again." In time everyone will know who he is because many people (myself included) would absolutely love to see him run for president.

One of the unwritten rules about politics is that you can't announce you're "officially" running for president until about a year before the primary. I don't know why it's a rule; it just is. So of course Tancredo, as of right now, is only considering the possibility of running. But rest assured that anyone who wants the Republican nomination in 2008 is already thinking about how they are going to try to beat him. What makes a simple Congressman such a formidable opponent when it comes to national politics? Illegal immigration.

One of the many disappointments conservatives have with President Bush is the fact that he has been so irresponsible when it comes to our national security. No, I'm not talking about Afghanistan or Iraq. Saddam Hussein is a monster and the more terrorists we can kill in the Middle East, the less we will have to kill over here. In case anyone forgot, that's what war is: killing your enemy before they kill you. Here, I mean the irresponsibility Bush has shown when it comes to our borders. It's been over four years since 9/11 and still we have thousands of people crossing our borders illegally every day. The I.N.S. estimates that we gain 350,000 new undocumented residents (a.k.a. illegal aliens) living in this country every year.

I'm sure that the overwhelming majority of these people are just looking for a better life, and who could blame them? But anyone who thinks Al Qaeda doesn't know that they can get into this county very easily must be living in bizarro world. That's actually why Tancredo was kicked out of the White Househe said that if there is another terrorist attack in this country, and we find out the perpetrators came into this country illegally because we did nothing to stop them, then the victims' blood is on the hands of the President. I'm sure many if not all of the Democrats in Congress would agree with Tancredo if that happens, regardless of the fact that they've been trying to undermine the President for the last five years.

National security is only one facet of the argument for stopping the flood of illegal aliens. No one in the country can accurately assess how much money is spent for government services that these people consume, but all estimates are astronomical. Consider the money spent on health care, education, and, yes, incarceration. It's a problem that will only get worse if Republicans and Democrats alike ignore the facts. Why are there so few politicians who are willing to take a stand on what seems to be a common sense issue? They're politicians! Everyone in college should know that the absolute worst thing you can be called in today's society is a racist. Try it sometime; it works best on white people. Have a conversation about something controversial with someone you don't know real well and call them a racist. You'll see the horror on their face as they stumble to defend themselves. It's hilarious. Politicians are the same way. God forbid that they take a stance that could give their opponents an opportunity to call them racist.

One of the extreme stances that Tancredo takes regarding illegal aliens is that we should not give illegal aliens government services. That means no welfare, no public education and no medical care, other than emergency medical care, of course. We're never going to insist that we allow someone to bleed to death while we check to see if they are a citizen. We should punish employers who hire illegal aliens more severely. That way not only would we reduce the demand for illegal aliens, but people who are here legally might actually be able to at least make minimum wage. Finally, my favorite "controversial" position that Tancredo has taken is that we should not allow illegal aliens to vote. This seems like such common sense that I have a hard time understanding why it must be defended.

My great-grandparents were immigrants. Tom Tancredo's grandfather was as well. This county was built on immigration. What's the difference between then and now? Our families went through the hassle of doing it legally. Until we stop ignoring this problem and stop talking about giving amnesty to people who broke the law, it is a slap in the face for anyone who has tried to become a good American and follow the laws that are already on our books. What do you say to someone who spent their life savings and waited years to enter this county legally after you reward those who simply ignored the law? "Sorry, in America it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."

Writers' Note: Don't bother sending me politically incorrect quotes from Tom Tancredo, because that kind of talk gave him a loyal following from people who are sick of the cookie-cutter image that politicians try to cultivate.