Dear Patriot:

Due to the increasing concerns regarding the illegal immigration issues that are plaguing this great nation and the subsequent and blatant outright disregard for the “Will of the People” by our elected officials and special interests groups, we are calling for an National monetary boycott. Our intentions are to show that Americans still have a voice in the direction our future is headed and we are tired of being ignored.

Since our collective will is being misrepresented by the above groups and the main stream media, we need to send a stronger, louder and more unified message to not only our elected officials, but to Corporate America. If a message is to be heard and heeded, then we need to hit them “where it hurts”and hit them hard.

Please help spread the word of this “WeThePeopleBoycott”, post our website link, help promote this National show of solidarity against a Government that refuses to listen to the will of its people.

In order for this boycott to be effective we need everyone’s assistance, participation and promotion from citizens, anti-illegal immigration forums, media outlets and hosts that are angered and concerned by the direction we as a nation are being thrust into.

We intend on also starting an e-mail campaign that will hopefully take off and will be sent around the nation, much like the “shot heard around the world”! We are asking that you please join us in this showing of solidarity as a nation and as a citizen of The United States of America!

Feel free to contact us directly with any comments, suggestions and assistance you may be able to offer regarding this project.

"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it." --Woodrow Wilson

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