ALIPAC Activists,

Our web traffic is sky high and hundreds of new supporters are signing up for our e-mail alerts each hour. New contributions are coming in and the phones are ringing off the hook at ALIPAC!

We are doing our very best to assist everyone engaged in the fight.

The 1st Cloture Vote is coming up in about one hour. Do not stop calling, e-mailing, and faxing till the vote is closed!

There are a lot more Senators on the fence now than the Open Borders Lobby expected. Sources across Washington tell us that it is clear the American public does not want this and negative calls about S. 1348 dwarf supportive calls in most offices by factors of 3 to 1 or more!

Of course Homeland Security Chief Chertoff is on the move breaking arms and Kennedy and crew are trying to keep control of the vote.

I know that many of you are very tired and frazzled, but keep your cool and keep focused. Keep on smiling and dialing. If you need a short break, call Kennedy and McCain and tell a staffer you know what those two have been doing behind closed doors and that they both have political herpes. I hope this refreshes you as much as it does me.

Talk radio is still hot hot hot on our side so use any opportunity you spot to call the nation to our aid on the air.

We fight until the vote is closed! Many fresh volunteers are just coming in to help as they get off work.

Keep up the tempo!

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)