I believe that insurgency is the correct term…
in·sur·gent (¹n-sûr“j…nt) adj. 1. Rising in revolt against the population, civil authority or a government in power.

In light of the facts… Which are as follows. Mexico is not our friend.

1. Billions of US dollars being illegally transferred to Mexico annually.
2. Tons of illegal drugs that harm our people and our country, both Mexican and South American, are being shipped across our borders monthly.
3. Illegal drug shipments are being guarded by Mexican troops using American Dollars, equipment and arms.
4. American Law Enforcement officers are threatened and intimidated by heavily armed Mexican troops.
5. An occupation of the United States by 10’s of millions of illegal insurgents.
6. They are insurgents, because they are rising in revolt against civil authority, our government and our laws.
7 They are insurgents, because they are forming plans to harm and attack America during wartime.
8. They are insurgents, because they are aiding and abetting during wartime those which have attacked, harmed and murdered American citizens on our homeland.
9. This insurgency is openly supported by President Fox of Mexico, and both the Mexican Armed Forces and Mexican Police at all levels.

Everyone in America, but our politicians realize that there are not 11,000,000 dirty jobs available for Mexicans that Americans won’t do…

Now these Mexican insurgents are openly advocating a boycott as a means of coercion and damage against the very companies that employ them.

These Mexican insurgents are not here for jobs and have no intention of becoming Americans, but rather to be Mexicans in America holding American citizenship, allowing them the vote and a path to overthrow our way of life…

Conversely American “Gringos” are not welcome in Mexico, and are only tolerated for the Gringo dollar.
There is a prevalent anti- white, anti-American demeanor, both in Mexico and in the United States.

I am sure that I have not included all of the negative facts concerning this matter.

Please feel free to add additional information.