I was going for a "Top 10" list of why companies should not be supporting La Raza and participating at their events. Please let me know which two I should take out (or if I missed any good ones) - Thanks!

1. La Raza is the largest pro-amesty group in the US and the majority of Americans don’t agree with amnesty

2. Companies should not be taking sides in political issues

3. Companies should be using their La Raza money and supporting pro-American groups instead (ask them which pro-American groups they support)

4. Companies should not be giving money to one ethnic group and not others. (They should not be giving $’s by ethnic group at all but we do not believe double standards – ask them which Irish-American, German-American, etc., groups they give to). By giving to one segment of their customers based on race/culture, and not the rest, is discriminatory and racist.

5. La Raza lobbies for driver’s licenses, in-state tuition (DREAM ACT) and amnesty for illegal aliens

6. La Raza (“The Raceâ€