... 223666.htm

I hope you will send an email to the columnist listed at the end of the article as well:
I emailed the columnist of the article the following message:

I won't purchase ANYTHING that I know comes from Mexico, for instance, this weekend Whole Foods had hot peppers labeled "From Mexico", I passed those up immediately, and I eat nothing in reference to Mexico. I sincerely dislike all illegals no matter which country, but most of all I am protesting against Mexican's and their ARROGANT ATTITUDE THAT MY COUNTRY belongs to them, specifically those members of LaRaza and Lulac and several others.
Your article is informative and I sincerely thank you for letting me and millions of other American's know there is someone that thinks like many of other American's.

And another thing, why should we purchase anything from Mexico when we can grow our own? Also, that nasty polluted water they have there is being used to water what they bring here. KEEP IN ALL IN MEXICO AND FEED IT TO THE STARVING THEN PERHAPS THEY WILL HAVE SOME BACKBONE TO STAND UP AGAINST THEIR OWN CORRUPT GOVERNMENT.

Now, I will purchase some of that great salsa and wish you well, AND HOPE MY CONTRIBUTION WILL HELP TO DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS PERIOD!