Illegal alien women have been coming to the United States for DECADES for the SOLE REASON of giving birth to help anchor their family In America. You do not have to be an expert In ANYTHING to use the common sense that an average person has to realize that this has been the case for a very very long time. With all of the free benefits that Include a free education,government handouts,and free emergency medical care,why would they want to stay In Mexico ? You can just come here and break all of our laws without worry. If you stay long enough you might just get to be a citizen compliments of the United States Congress All of the so called experts that say this rarely happens are traitors to the United States with a political agenda,or they are experts In STUPIDITY. Birthright citizenship Is the NUMBER ONE magnet that draws Illegals to this country. Anyone out there that says otherwise has been living on another planet,or Is just too uneducated to understand what Is REALLY happening with regard to this Issue...