Is Illegal Immigration Making You Sick….Literally?!

The unchecked flow of illegal border-hoppers from the south is washing over us like a Texas flash flood. It negatively impacts our bottom line, greatly compromises our security, and erodes our national identity… but what nobody's talking about is how serious a public health issue it is.

They're trying to cheat the system, but in the end, you're the one who pays. Maybe you don't know this, but all immigrants who want to qualify for their green cards have to go through a thorough testing process. Basically, they have to prove that they don't have any contagious diseases or drug addictions.

Do you have any idea how rampant diseases are in Third World countries that don't have the same sanitary conditions and health care available to them? Our screening process is in place to keep us all safe. Whether people choose to accept it or not, the truth is that too many of the illegals who "bypass" this testing process are coming into this country with more than just their "dream of a better life"-they're also bringing very contagious, and sometimes very deadly, diseases.

If you're not worried, you should be. Think about where these illegals work, like chicken factories, fast-food restaurants, and other places where they handle YOUR food. Or where their children go to school-that's right, they're sitting right next to your children and grandchildren, sneezing all over them in class. Now do you see why I'm so concerned?

The immigration crisis is finally front and center on our national stage-so much so that politicians from both sides of the aisle are being forced to reckon with it (or at least talk about reckoning with it). But this is no cause for celebration. I still say they're overlooking the most critical threat. Consider the scope of the problem:

The high price of illegal immigration

Even conservative estimates peg the number of illegal Hispanics in America at around 10 million. Altogether, just the Mexican nationals among the illegals send more than $15 billion home to their native country every year. This represents Mexico's second largest income stream-second only to oil exports.

Around 25% of Mexico's GDP (or gross domestic product, which is around 250 billion) comes from CRIME. A huge percentage of that crime (narcotics trafficking, human trafficking) takes place in the U.S. An estimated 75% of the illicit drugs in this country come in through our southern border. The gang-murder numbers prove it, too. In L.A. alone, more than 90% of outstanding homicide warrants are for illegals.

Despite the bleeding hearts' claims that illegal immigrants are good for the U.S. economy, the National Academy of Sciences calculates the lifetime fiscal impact of the average adult Mexican immigrant (the amount of taxes paid vs. the value of government services used-like emergency medical and surgical healthcare) to be a NEGATIVE $55,200. That's over half a trillion dollars when multiplied by just the 10 million or so illegals already here.

But those statistics pale in comparison to the health epidemic we face from the infections and viruses that cross our borders unchecked every single day.

Had enough? Well, there's more. A lot more. In my FREE report, 8 Ways Illegal Immigrants Are Making You Sick, I'll tell you all the bone-chilling details of the kinds of diseases illegal immigrants are bringing into this country…like HIV, polio, and malaria, just to name a few-and how you can protect yourself and your family. I'll also give you three foolproof steps we'll need to take in order to curb illegal immigration.

And if anyone asks you where you heard such nonsense, tell them it was from Dr. William Campbell Douglass.

And just who am I, you may be wondering.

I've long been one of America's most popular mythbusters. I make it my mission to reveal the surprisingly inexpensive and easy road to real health-and to reveal the real threats to your health that the politicos would rather ignore.

I've been called "the conscience of modern medicine," and the National Health Federation voted me "Doctor of the Year." But I've also been labeled a "maverick," and several less flattering names, too, by some of the biggest names in government and the health establishment-but hey, that's part of the territory. I've taken more than a few arrows in my time in order to get you the truth-without paying an arm and a leg for Band-aid "solutions" that will only make you sicker and promise to send you to an early grave.

Trust me-I know how confusing it can be to sift through all the baloney you're inundated with by greedy drug companies and dirty politicians. That's why I'm happy to offer you this free report, 8 Ways Illegal Immigrants Are Making You Sick.

Simply enter your email address in the space below and click "Get my FREE Report" for instant access to 8 Ways Illegal Immigrants Are Making You Sick. When you do, you'll also receive-absolutely FREE-a subscription to my Daily Dose, an e-letter written by yours truly that I send out via email. The Daily Dose will keep you up to date on health-related news, breakthrough studies, bureaucratic snafus, and revolutionary new products for looking and feeling great.

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