Montini is rosy-eyed on immigration
Apr. 7, 2009 12:00 AM

Regarding E.J. Montini's Sunday column "The part of 'illegal' that I don't get":

My mother was an immigrant. You know, one of the idiots who filled out the proper paperwork and waited in line for her turn.

I was only 1 year old at the time, but I could not come with her. She was told until she had a job and a place to live, my brother and I would be a burden on the taxpayer. She left us with my grandparents and came to America. When I was 3, she sent for us.

After much paperwork and many medical checks, we were allowed to come. She loved us enough that as soon as she was eligible, she became a citizen so that her sons could benefit from all that this great country has to offer.

No one paid $70,000 dollars to educate us. My mother did that. She passed away two years ago still not understanding why she had to go through so much while now we let people come how and whenever they want. If Mr. Montini and his followers would take off their rose-colored glasses, they could see why so many people are upset over illegal-immigration. - Ed Cramer, Gilbert