More Bad News For Obama: Honesty, Trustworthiness Poll Numbers Still Tanking

By Joseph R. Carducci on November 25, 2013 Subscribe to Joseph R. Carducci's Feed

Are you tired of Obama’s unkept promises? You are not alone. It seems that the entire Obama administration, certainly at least since re-election, has suffered from one bonehead move after another. There have been so many scandals that it is almost beyond the point of counting. What is your particular hot-button: Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA spying, drones, IRS targeting political opponents? Or perhaps it is something much more simple, like being told that you could keep your healthcare plan (and really believing this ‘promise’), only to receive a cancellation notice?

Yes, you are indeed not alone. Judging from this poll more than half of all Americans don’t believe our wonderful community organizer in chief is honest and trustworthy. (Maybe I am in a different category…because I NEVER thought Obama was honest or trustworthy.) Additionally, only about 40 percent say that he is an effective manager of the federal government. 56 percent of Americans also say that Obama is not admirable, does not reflect their opinions on ‘important issues,’ and does not ‘inspire confidence.’

The poll is from CNN/ORC International and was released earlier this morning and marks the first time that a clear majority in a CNN poll has responded in such a fashion.

The poll was conducted from Monday through Wednesday of last week. The percentage of people saying that they felt Obama was an effective manager of the federal government was 40 percent, down a full 12 points from June and is the worst score Obama’s received since tracking began . The poll also measured nine other personal characteristics.

What is interesting from these results is that it looks like ObamaCare is really hurting the president in his perception as an effective leader. A drop in honesty and trustworthiness is bad enough, but if people do not feel like the man can be an effective leader than this could have a greater impact on his approval ratings.

Many of us remember Bill Clinton having similar problem during his administration. Numerous polls indicated that people thought Clinton was most likely a liar. A lot of this had to do with his affair with Monica Lewinsky, yet Clinton’s overall approval ratings stayed fairly high for the rest of his presidency. Why? Because as many as 75 percent of people surveyed felt that he could get things done. Only 20 percent of Americans thought Clinton was honest, but 75 percent felt he could govern. There must be a lesson in here somewhere.

Not all of this drop in Obama’s approval ratings are connected with Obama, however. Some of it is also due to the fact that his White House…and even his entire administration…appears incompetent. If it looked as if any of them could actually get things done without having to lie then maybe the president’s numbers would not be tanking now.

What do YOU think? Does Obama inspire confidence in YOU? Why do you think his poll numbers are tanking? How is this going to affect the 2014 mid-term elections?