I notice that many of us defend these candidates like they are somehow close to us .
They are all polititions tryign to keep their gravy train jobs,not your friend or ally.
You will not be ask to dinner or invited over for a visit by any of them .
Matter of fact once they get in office you'll be lucky if you ever even get to see or talk to them in person . The closest you'll get is some aid guarding their office and screening phone calls .They will tell the rep is busy but more often than not they are on vacation or the golf course .
We are a nation of idlotors when it comes to polititions ,atheletes and entertainers .
if they lie to us its not by accident,its because they meant to .If they did'nt care about the protection of the nation and its people before they don't now .
Don't be fooled ,we can't afford to lose this time.
Unless we demand they keep their oath to protect us,they will lie ,steal and cheat to keep their jobs .Very few went into politics rich but all leave that way,that should tell us something.